Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sarah Bush No Public Input on Board Selection

I got a letter from a concerned citizen of Coles County about the lack of public input on the selection of new Sarah Bush Health Foundation Board of Directors.

They likely are perfectly within their rights to do it this way, but it shows a lack of respect for the general public that pays the bill through huge fees, taxes, and tax deductable donations. Any institution getting public funds should be required to be open to the public about their activities. 

When asked to be more open to the public SBLHC will quickly tell us they are a private non-profit business and are not required to disclose "didily squat" except the financial report required by the US government which is a year and a half old before we see it. We only get the official "spin" from the organization.

Non-profit private hospitals have a perfect autocratic system protected by law where they got the power to operate like a benevolent foreign dictator in absolute secrecy, charge what the controled market will bear for their services, and control the media. The public is so intimidated by this system, they are afraid to speak out publicly for fear of losing their doctor or other retaliation.

We see the fruits of this care that takes almost 20% of the GNP, few choices in healthcare, poor quality, a system that kills 100s of thousands.

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