Saturday, November 12, 2011

Letter to Editor-Nonprofit Status Betters Service-Reply

Today there was a letter to the editor in the JG-TC entitled "Nonprofit status betters service".  The writer makes an excellent point and it is a point of view held by the public in general. I will attempt to reply.

The big problem with Sarah Bush is that the public does not really know for sure what is going on because SBLHS operates in a cloak of secrecy.  When the writer says, "I suspect" she is correct because that is all she can do. She cannot give input or view the business matters of the organization.

No organization should receive tax dollars without disclosure to the public and input from the public.  As they will tell you, the SBLHS boards do not represent the public nor are they accountable to the public. 

This is a violation of the basic principle under which our system of government was taxation without representation.  

I would love to see a public debate on this subject. I appreciate the writer's letter.

Dr. Don Selvidge